5 Steps to Boost Female Fertility

For optimizing fertility in women, take great care of your health the best step. But what are some of the other ways that can enhance the chances of women to get pregnant? Well as per some of the infertility specialists, women that look forward to getting pregnant should be aware of their menstrual cycle. It is vital to be aware of the length of the cycle so that accurate time for intercourse to get pregnant be calculated. Here are other important steps that one can follow for boosting female fertility:

1. Maintain a healthy body weight:

If you are overweight the possibility of conceiving lessens. Also, make sure that you are not underweight either. Some of the studies show that women that are overweight can take double the time to get pregnant when compared to women that have a normal BMI. Also, this time can be four times for underweight women. Estrogen is produced in excess with a high body fat percentage. This can be interfering with the process of ovulation. You can increase fertility by losing about 10 percent of the body weight.

2. Start taking prenatal vitamins:

If you are looking forward to getting pregnant taking prenatal vitamins can be helpful. Alternatively, you can also take a multivitamin daily that has at least 400 mcg of folic acid. This is a type of vitamin B that's vital for the prevention of any defects that can be related to the spine or brain of the baby.

3. Be more active:

Staying active has so many health benefits including enhanced fertility. Some of the studies clearly show the relation between infertility and having a sedentary lifestyle. It has been found that every week one hour of exercise can lower infertility risk by five percent. For women that are obese any kind of intense or moderate activity with weight loss has a major positive effect on female fertility. Although moderation is a keynote here and you shouldn't go or high intensity as it can lead to decrease fertility in some women. This holds for women that suffer from PCOS and a healthy weight needs to be managed with a good diet and moderate exercise for maximum benefit.

4. Cut down on the caffeine:

Caffeine also can negatively impact female fertility. One of the studies said that women that consume over 500 mg of caffeine every day might tale about 9 months longer for getting pregnant. High caffeine before pregnancy has been linked with a higher miscarriage chance. Although there hasn't been a strong link found out that suggest an intake of caffeine and increased infertility risk. But it will still be better if you can lower the amount, remember that this just doesn't mean coffee but also cola drinks.

5. Try avoiding night shifts:

If possible try not to work late nights. This is because when one works late nights there is a higher fertility risk and can also affect the hormone production of the body. If you are working for the night shift making sure that you are taking complete rest and enough sleep when you are free.